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8 Tips for Conducting an Excellent Remote Interview

Pre-recorded videos (also known as one-way video interviews) involve the candidate creating an elevator-pitch video or answering a series of interview questions. It is a helpful screening process that allows both parties to share information and potentially build a mutually beneficial business relationship. You probably noticed that these are all soft skills, which means they aren’t as easy to quantify as, say, whether you know JavaScript or can manage a Twitter account. As remote work gains traction as the new normal, the need for recruiters and hiring managers who excel at remote interviewing will grow, too. Ensure the best possible outcomes by creating a positive and productive experience for candidates going through your interviewing process – the results will speak for themselves.

  • If you’re interviewing at scale, it will become necessary to automate personalized  candidate messaging.
  • Otherwise, you risk mishaps that can distract and frustrate you and the candidate.
  • When Mysk reported the issue to Tesla, the company responded that it had investigated and decided it wasn’t an issue, Mysk said in the video.
  • I think Superworks is an exciting platform with a company that has forward-thinking and built around objectives.
  • So to prepare for remote interviews, make sure you’ve got a clutter-free and noise-free room to take the call.

I like to work in an environment where there are fewer meetings and more things get done. I’m a self-starter and don’t need a lot of sync calls or catch-ups – once I know what my tasks, KPIs, and goals remote interview process are, I can work independently and make sure that everything gets done. In some cases, they also want to know if you have experience using the tools they’re using, but that’s not usually a big deal.

The Shift to Remote Interviews:

I also make sure to set specific blocks of time in my calendar for each task, ensuring that I can handle all the tasks I set for the day. In an office, you’re in a productive environment – everyone’s working, which makes it easier to stay focused on your tasks. Working from home, on the other hand, may make it easier to get distracted. The fact that the interview is remote does not mean that you shouldn’t dress up for it.

  • And by being on time for the interview, you’d get off to a good start.
  • You can check out our handy guide for more suggestions on how to connect with recruiters on LinkedIn.
  • So hiring managers will want some assurance that you’ve got a grasp on how to push through the inherent distractions and distance of remote work.
  • Most of us work from a laptop instead of a desktop today, which means the camera on our laptop is lower than our face, making it difficult to keep eye contact with the people we are video calling.
  • You want to build rapport with your interviewer (and possible bosses), so the more they can see your reactions, the better.

With that in mind, here are ten questions you’ll probably be asked when you interview for a remote opportunity—plus advice on how to respond and sample answers. Look at the camera when you’re speaking, not the other person’s image, as tempting as that may be. Keep your voice calm and speak clearly, and smile when appropriate, just like you would in person.

Do You Have Any Questions for Me?

If you’re interviewing at scale, it will become necessary to automate personalized  candidate messaging. If you need to reschedule, give as much notice as possible and avoid last-minute cancellations. You wouldn’t cancel a face-to-face interview while a candidate was sitting in your office waiting room, so don’t do so remotely, either.

This is also why it’s so crucial to minimize distractions during the interview… from pets, children, street noise, etc. Don’t just say you want to work remotely, but you can mention it and show enthusiasm if it excites you. If a job offers remote work, many employers will assume that you know this and find it attractive. Notice whether your background looks clutter-free and professional. To do this, start by researching the company’s mission, vision, and values.

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